Contact our specialist team on 01623 397300
With Signelite – “You’re Covered”
You are responsible whilst your customers vehicle is at your premises, you might be applying a few graphics or perhaps doing a complete vehicle wrap. Customers vehicle insurance can be essential for the sign industry, it covers theft and any damage that you might do to it.
Obtaining the correct insurance cover as a sign manufacturer for driving customers vehicles can be difficult, you need the correct covers in place to endure when your customer leaves their vehicle with you that you have the correct cover, just whilst inside your premises but also whilst parked outside or if you need to drive them.
Even driving your customers vehicle in to your premises could have its consequences and this is where you need comprehensive insurance cover to protect both you and your customer.
If you have a standard vehicle policy for your car it doesn’t mean that you can drive your customers van, you need a specialist policy that will provide the insurance cover you need.
The Road Traffic Act (RTA) says you must be insured to drive the vehicle. Whilst ever the vehicles tyres are on a public highway RTA is likely to apply. What is termed as “road” under the RTA is quite complex, and boring.
Comprehensive Insurance cover for a sign business is just like a comprehensive cover for your personal car. Its designed to reimburse a policyholder for any accidental damage to their own business vehicles or to their customers vehicles.
A customers vehicle will usually be covered by their own insurance whilst in your custody and control, however whilst their insurance may pay any claim they will usually come back to you for reimbursement.
Its essential that any business driving or having a customers vehicle in their control has adequate insurance cover in place. We can offer “vicinity” cover.
This cover provides comprehensive insurance cover for customer’s vehicles during business hours for vehicles parked or driven within 100metres of your business premises (from where RTA applies). Very convenient if you need to drive your customers vehicle in and out of the premises.
At SignElite we are proud of the fact that we have been the appointed ISA-UK – Insurance broker for many years providing insurance to the Association itself as well as many of their members, in fact well over 100 of them.
Contact our specialist team on 01623 397300
With Signelite – “You’re Covered”